September 2022
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September 2022
Jesus Christ is Mighty to Save
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Matthew 9:1-8 | Jesus Christ is the source of forgiveness. You will either think evil of Him as the scribes did for being so or you will marvel at so great a Savior.
The Greatness of Christ in the Realm of Darkness
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Matthew 8:28-34 | Jesus is sovereign over the domain of darkness. Demons understand that they must obey Him even though they don't worship HIm. If you have eyes to see, come worship the king.
How To Live in Exile
Jeremiah 29:1-14 | Although there are many things about this world that makes it a difficult place to live in, God has you right where He wants you. In our text we learn to live in the world as citizens of another kingdom.
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Stewardship | What does the Bible teach about Stewardship? In this lesson we take a look at worship through our giving. God has given us gifts and talents to glorify Him and to bless those around us.