May 2021
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May 2021
More of Christ
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Colossians 2:1-7 | After presenting the supremacy of Christ, Paul speaks more of Christ. Issuing the first command in the letter to walk in Christ, we see how this flows out of a genuine love and concern for people.
The Supremacy of Christ and Gospel Ministry
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Colossians 1:24-29 | Joy in the midst of suffering is how Paul best describes gospel ministry. In this sermon, Paul explains from his perspective how and why this is true for him and perhaps why it should be true for you as well.
The Supremacy of Christ and Peace
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Colossians 1:19-23 | The peace that Christ accomplishes demonstrates His supremacy. See how vast this is on a cosmic scale and yet how personal this can be on a private scale.
The Supremacy of Christ
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Colossians 1:15-18 | See how Christ is supreme in the Scriptures and gain a better understanding of how that applies to you personally.
Wisdom to Please God
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Colossians 1:9-14 | Paul prioritizes a Christ centered life for the church when he prays for them. In this sermon we find out how we can pray for each other more specifically in this way.