August 2022
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August 2022
What Sort of Man Is This
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Matthew 8:23-27 | The glory of Christ is seen in the trust He has in His Father as He sleeps in the middle of a great storm and the sovereign control He has over it when He is awake. Behold the Great Lord Jesus Christ.
Protected: Living in Light of Eternity
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Following Jesus is Costly
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Matthew 8:18-22 | Following Jesus changes everything. It is a paradigm shift from your life before Christ to a new life that follows Jesus at all cost.
Christ the Sovereign Healer
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Matthew 8:1-17 | The healings of Jesus puts His sovereignty over diseases on display and demonstrates that He truly is the Christ who can wash your sins away.
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Education | What does the Bible teach about Education? In this lesson we take a look at Christian Education and its place in the Christian's life.