November 2021
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November 2021
Discipleship and the Glory of Christ
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Matthew 4:18-25 | God's plan for reaching the world with the gospel is discipleship. By calling a few to follow Him, Jesus Christ promises to make them fishers of men. This is the great plan of salvation that continues to this very day.
The Great Transition
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Matthew 4:12-17 | The work of the forerunner, John the Baptist, is done and the weight of gospel ministry rests firmly and fully on Christ as He begins His public ministry.
The Battle Belongs to the Lord
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Matthew 4:1-11 | Jesus fights the battle of sin that we could never win. He is tempted three times in this text and does not fall. He is the sinless Savior who came to save lost sinners like you and me.
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Man | What does the Bible teach about Man? In this lesson we take a look at the Doctrine of Man.