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God Is Personal and He Loves Me
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Psalm 139:17-24 | In considering God as a personal God, David contemplates God's love for him.
God Is Creator and He Created Me
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Psalm 139:13-16 | In considering God as Creator, David contemplates God's creation of him.
Preaching As Worship
By Guest - Pastor Ray Palompo | |
2 Corinthians 3:18
The Deadly Sin of Hypocrisy Finds Its Hope In Christ (Part 2)
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Matthew 23:13-39 | God will humiliate the proud with a warranted and just condemnation. The only hope a proud person has is the grace of God in Christ Jesus.
The Deadly Sin of Hypocrisy Finds Its Hope In Christ (Part 1)
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Matthew 23:1-12 | God will humiliate the proud with a warranted and just condemnation. The only hope a proud person has is the grace of God in Christ Jesus.
God Is Everywhere and He Surrounds Me
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Psalm 139:5-12 | God is everywhere present all the time. He is not just there with His people, but He is also there for His people no matter where life has them at the moment.
Christ-al Clarity
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Matthew 22:23-46 | Religious leaders are confused about big issues concerning life because they misunderstand Scripture and confuse who Christ is. Jesus brings clarity to dispel all the confusion.
The Anatomy of Rejecting the Gospel of Christ
By Pastor Amel Dominguez | |
Matthew 22:1-22 | Rejecting the gospel can happen in so many different ways. It can be subtle or it can be overt, but unbelief is always serious.
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